Tasvir: Empedans nazorati va teshiklari bilan 10 Layer tenglikni elektron qatronlar bilan tiqilib
ko'p qatlamlik tenglikni is the circuit board with more than two layers, such as 4 layers, 6 layers, 8 layers, 10 layers etc. It is double-sided multiple. And with common features as more than two layers conductive traces, separated by insulating material between the layers, and the layer between the conductive traces must connected through drilling, lamination as required. Ko'p qatlamlik tenglikni kengashi ko'p qavatli Supero'tkazuvchilar bir tel, yuqori zichligi burg'ulash bilan. Bu keng elektron uskunalar ishlatiladi.
Tasvir: u muntazam Multilayer (10 Layer) PCB Stack gap
Ko'p qatlamlik tenglikni kengashi and double sided PCB board are main products we provide. We could support customer multilayer PCB production up to 26 layers by prototype and middle run. Multilayer printed circuit board is more and more used by different PCB designers due to multi-layer PCB board could meet the requirement of overload of weight and volume.
- Layers Count (4-36)
- Ultra Tasviriy Pitch (3mil / 3mil)
- Ko'r va dafn Vias
- Oliy chastota Base materiallar
- Kichik teshik ochish, lazer Burg'ulash
- Yagona va Differensial nazorat Empedansı
- Galogenli bepul, past zarar, ultra yupqa, aralash paketlar
PCB sifat kafolati ishlatiladigan mis qoplangan laminat (CCL) dan boshlanadi. Bizning zavod bizning ko'rish tugatdi elektron board.Pls barqaror ishlashini ta'minlash kabi Kingboard, Shengyi, ko'p qavatli, tenglikni ishlab chiqarish uchun ITEQ sifatida eng yaxshi tovar varaq yetkazib beruvchi tanlash , tenglikni kengashi Xomashyo Ambarını :