News panas Ngeunaan PCB & Majelis

Harga nu Of Laminate Bahan Pikeun PCB Dupi Raising Kitu deui dina Industri PCB


Ka sadaya klien diri urang:

Thank you so much for supporting and understanding us for such a long time since our company started the business of bare pcb board , pcb fabrication , components sourcing and pcb assembly, the final PCBA functional test !

Alatan mangrupa kakurangan urgent bahan baku kayaning tambaga, thread kaca, lawon kaca jeung bahan baku kimiawi, sanajan datangna jeung bahan pakét, ongkos produksi urang kudu risen sasuai.

PCB Bahan Board

Dinten, disetir ku rising ongkos nu ogé straining budgets kami, kami bakal diluyukeun harga kami deui. Please be assured that we’ll keep our quality the sane or better than before, We offer a One-stop assembly PCB solutions.


PCB OEM & ODM clone/design/corrective /testing/certification services

From 1 to 24 layers PCB Fabrication

From sample to batch processing

48 hours fastest delivery

IPC class 2/3 acceptance criteria

Expecting circuit board testing,high quality factory wholesale price

Replying with price within 1 day

Certificate:ROHS,UL,SGS,9001-2000,ISO14001,SGS Lead-free


PCB production service with designed files (FR-4, High TG, Aluminum, FPC, Teflow, CEM-1, ROHS )

Urang Sunda ,PCB Copy service with sample

PCB/FPC Assembly service (SMT with 0201 component size; BGA pitch 0.3mm with x-ray inspection;DIP)

IC program with HEX file

PCBA final functional testing

Electronic components purchasing & Bom list purchasing

PCB SMT Stencil (laser cut& Etching)

PCB Jeung Majelis nyusun Prosés

You will receive fully fabricated and assembled boards when you need them with your completed gerber file and bom list,thank you!

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