Wilujeng sumping di KingSong PCB Téhnologi
Image:High Temperature Ceramic PCB Board Manufacturer
1.Ceramic PCB Board Sorangan:
Lapisan: 1,2
Bahan: 96% alumina, 99% Aluminium nitride (Nagrak), inten biru, High Borosilicate Kaca
Bahan ketebalan (mm): 0.38,0.635,0.5,1.0, 1.2,1.5
Ukuran Bahan (mm): 120 * 120.127 * 127.132 * 132.140 * 130.190 * 140
Min Hole: 0.075mm
Min Line lebar / spasi: 0.1 / 0.1mm
laser Outline: lebar garis: 0.1mm , kasabaran: +/- 0.1mm
Tamansari finish: immersion Silver, immersion Emas, immersion Tin, OSP
Tambaga ketebalan (oz): H / H 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10 / 10
nilai konduktivitas effect: 20 ~ 27W / MK pikeun alumina; 180W ~ 220W / MK pikeun Aluminium nitride, 27 ~ 30W / MK pikeun inten biru, 2 ~ 5 W / MK pikeun High Borosilicate Kaca
Pedaran produk:
High Temperature Ceramic PCB is a high thermal conductivity substrate composed of high-conductivity dielectric Ceramic PCB board composed of noble metal and high thermal conductivity insulating material,Can effectively solve the problem of low thermal conductivity PCB and aluminum substrate. To effectively heat the heat generated by high-temperature electronic components, increase component stability and extend the service life.
Keramik PCB Fitur:
Ulah kedah ngarobah prosedur ngolah aslina
Alus kakuatan mékanis
Jeung konduktivitas termal alus
Sareng lalawanan ka erosi
ciri beungeut alus, flatness alus teuing jeung flatness
Good lalawanan shock termal
Low gelar curl
Good stabilitas handapeun suhu luhur bisa diolah jadi rupa a wangun tina kompléks
Keramik PCB Aplikasi:
-akurasi tinggi jam osilator,
tegangan dikawasa osilator (VCXO),
suhu katembong oscillators kristal (TCXOs),
oscillators kristal oven dikawasa (OCXOs);
emiconductor cooler;
kakuatan listrik modul kontrol éléktronik;
insulasi tinggi & alat tekanan tinggi;
suhu luhur (nepi ka 800C)
kakuatan tinggi LED
High Power modul semikonduktor
solid state relay (RSS)
DC-DC modul sumber kakuatan
listrik modul kakuatan pamancar
arrays Solar-panel
Alat kakuatan calakan
éléktronika Automotive
kakuatan High modul semikonduktor
Solar komponén panel
Industri cahaya
Industri éléktronika kakuatan
Waktos 2.Delivery:
Sampel: 3-5 atanapi 12-15 poé gawé,
Massa produksi: 5-7 atanapi 12-15 poé gawé
3.Package: packing vakum Batin, Outer standar kotak karton packing.
A: Ku DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT jeung sajabana
B: Ku laut pikeun kuantitas massa nurutkeun sarat customer urang.
5.If kedah petik pikeun proyék-proyék PCB anjeun, PLS nyadiakeun inpo di handap:
A: Quote kuantitas,
B: file Gerber dina 274-x format,
C: sarat Téknis atanapi parameter (bahan, lapisan, ketebalan tambaga,
ketebalan dewan, pagawean beungeut cai, solder topeng / warna silkscreen ...)
Mun sagala panalungtikan atanapi hoyong diajar, mangga ngirim email ka kami kalawan bébas atawa ngobrol ku sistem online, hatur nuhun kanggo pangrojong Anjeun sateuacanna!