Wilujeng sumping di KingSong PCB Téhnologi
Gambar: 1.0mm ketebalan 96% alumina keramik PCB Manufaktur Supplier
1.Ceramic PCB Board Sorangan:
Material:96% Alumina,99% Aluminium nitride(AIN),Sapphire,High Borosilicate Glass
Material Thickness(mm):0.38,0.635,0.5,1.0,1.2,1.5
Material Size(mm):120*120,127*127,132*132,140*130,190*140
Min Hole:0.075mm
Min Line width/space:0.1/0.1mm
Laser Outline: line width:0.1mm,tolerance:+/-0.1mm
Surface Finish:Immersion Silver,Immersion Gold,Immersion Tin,OSP
Copper Thickness(oz):H/H 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10/10
Thermal conductivity value: 20~27W/m.K for Alumina; 180W~220W/m.K for Aluminium nitride , 27~30W/m.K for Sapphire,2 ~ 5 W/m.K for High Borosilicate Glass
Pedaran produk:
PCB keramik mangrupakeun termal substrat konduktivitas tinggi diwangun ku luhur-konduktivitas circuit diéléktrik diwangun ku logam mulia sarta bahan konduktivitas insulating termal tinggi, Dupi éféktif ngajawab masalah low konduktivitas PCB termal sarta substrat aluminium. Pikeun éféktif panas panas dihasilkeun ku komponén éléktronik-suhu luhur, ningkatkeun stabilitas komponén tur manjangkeun umur jasa.
Fitur produk:
Do not need to change the original processing procedures
Excellent mechanical strength
With good thermal conductivity
With resistance to erosion
Good surface characteristics, excellent flatness and flatness
Good thermal shock resistance
Low curl degree
Good stability under high temperature can be processed into a variety of complex shapes
high-accuracy clock oscillator,
voltage controlled oscillator (VCXO),
temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXOs),
oven controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs);
emiconductor cooler;
electric power electronic control module;
high insulation & high pressure device;
high temperature (up to 800C)
high power LED
High Power semiconductor modules
solid state relay (SSR)
DC-DC module power sources
electric power transmitter modules
Solar-panel arrays
Alat kakuatan calakan
Automotive electronics
High power semiconductor module
Solar panel components
Lighting industry
The power electronics industry
Waktos 2.Delivery:
Sample:3-5 or 12-15 working days,
Mass production:5-7 or 12-15 working days
3.Package: packing vakum Batin, Outer standar kotak karton packing.
A: Ku DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT jeung sajabana
B: Ku laut pikeun kuantitas massa nurutkeun sarat customer urang.
5.If kedah petik pikeun proyék-proyék PCB anjeun, PLS nyadiakeun inpo di handap:
A: Quote kuantitas,
B: file Gerber dina 274-x format,
C: sarat Téknis atanapi parameter (bahan, lapisan, ketebalan tambaga,
ketebalan dewan, pagawean beungeut cai, solder topeng / warna silkscreen ...)
Mun sagala panalungtikan atanapi hoyong diajar, mangga ngirim email ka kami kalawan bébas atawa ngobrol ku sistem online, hatur nuhun kanggo pangrojong Anjeun sateuacanna!