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Image:High Temperature Ceramic PCB Board Manufacturer
1.Ceramic PCB Board Kapabilitas:
Layer: 1,2
Material: 96% Alumina, 99% Aluminium nitride (ora), Sapphire, High Borosilicate kaca
Material kekandelan (mm): 0.38,0.635,0.5,1.0, 1.2,1.5
Size Material (mm): 120 * 120.127 * 127.132 * 132.140 * 130.190 * 140
Min Lubuk: 0.075mm
Min Line jembaré / papan: 0.1 / 0.1mm
Laser Njelaske nganggo bentuk garis: jembaré baris: 0.1mm , toleransi: +/- 0.1mm
lumahing Rampung: Kecemplung Silver, Kecemplung Gold, Kecemplung Tin, OSP
Tembaga kekandelan (oz): H / H 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10 / 10
Nilai doyo Thermal: 20 ~ 27W / MK kanggo Alumina; 180W ~ 220W / MK kanggo Aluminium nitride, 27 ~ 30W / MK kanggo Sapphire, 2 ~ 5 W / MK kanggo High Borosilicate kaca
Product Description:
High Temperature Ceramic PCB is a high thermal conductivity substrate composed of high-conductivity dielectric Ceramic PCB board composed of noble metal and high thermal conductivity insulating material,Can effectively solve the problem of low thermal conductivity PCB and aluminum substrate. To effectively heat the heat generated by high-temperature electronic components, increase component stability and extend the service life.
Keramik PCB Fitur:
Ora perlu kanggo ngganti cara Processing asli
banget kekuatan mechanical
Kanthi termal doyo apik
Kanthi resistance kanggo erosi
ciri lumahing Good, flatness banget lan flatness
Good resistance kejut termal
Low jurusan nggulung
Good stabilitas ing suhu dhuwur bisa diolah dadi macem-macem manéka saka Komplek
Keramik PCB Aplikasi:
-dhuwur akurasi jam osilator,
voltase kontrol osilator (VCXO),
suhu menehi ganti rugi osilator kristal (TCXOs),
osilator kristal open kontrol (OCXOs);
emiconductor adhem;
daya listrik modul kontrol elektronik;
jampel dhuwur & piranti dhuwur meksa;
suhu dhuwur (nganti 800C)
daya dhuwur LED
High Power modul semikonduktor
padat relay (SSR)
DC-DC modul sumber daya
listrik modul daya pemancar
susunan Solar-panel
Piranti daya Intelligent
electronics Automotive
daya High modul semikonduktor
Solar komponen panel
industri Lighting
Industri electronics daya
Wektu 2.Delivery:
Sample: 3-5 utawa 12-15 dina apa,
Massa produksi: 5-7 utawa 12-15 dina apa
3.Package: packing vakum Inner, Outer standar kothak karton diinget.
A: Miturut DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT etc.
B: Miturut segara kanggo jumlahe massa miturut sarat customer kang.
5.Yen perlu petik kanggo proyèk PCB Panjenengan, pls nyedhiyani info ing ngisor iki:
A: Quote jumlahe,
B: file Gerber ing 274-x format,
C: requirement Technical utawa paramèter (materi, lapisan, kekandelan tembaga,
kekandelan Papan, Kola lumahing, solder mask / werna Silkscreen ...)
Yen panaliten utawa pengin sinau liyane, mangga ngirim email kanggo kita bebas utawa chatting dening sistem online, thanks kanggo dhukungan ing advance!