Welcome to KingSong PCB Teknologi
Image: 1.0mm kekandelan 96% Alumina Keramik PCB Manufacturing Supplier
1.Ceramic PCB Board Kapabilitas:
Material:96% Alumina,99% Aluminium nitride(AIN),Sapphire,High Borosilicate Glass
Material Thickness(mm):0.38,0.635,0.5,1.0,1.2,1.5
Material Size(mm):120*120,127*127,132*132,140*130,190*140
Min Hole:0.075mm
Min Line width/space:0.1/0.1mm
Laser Outline: line width:0.1mm,tolerance:+/-0.1mm
Surface Finish:Immersion Silver,Immersion Gold,Immersion Tin,OSP
Copper Thickness(oz):H/H 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10/10
Thermal conductivity value: 20~27W/m.K for Alumina; 180W~220W/m.K for Aluminium nitride , 27~30W/m.K for Sapphire,2 ~ 5 W/m.K for High Borosilicate Glass
Product Description:
PCB Keramik punika termal landasan doyo dhuwur dumadi saka dhuwur-doyo sirkuit dielektrik dumadi saka logam mulia lan materi doyo termal insulating dhuwur, bisa èfèktif ngatasi masalah kurang doyo PCB termal lan landasan aluminium. Èfèktif panas panas déning komponen elektronik-suhu dhuwur, nambah stabilitas komponèn lan ngluwihi gesang layanan.
Fitur Product:
Do not need to change the original processing procedures
Excellent mechanical strength
With good thermal conductivity
With resistance to erosion
Good surface characteristics, excellent flatness and flatness
Good thermal shock resistance
Low curl degree
Good stability under high temperature can be processed into a variety of complex shapes
high-accuracy clock oscillator,
voltage controlled oscillator (VCXO),
temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXOs),
oven controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs);
emiconductor cooler;
electric power electronic control module;
high insulation & high pressure device;
high temperature (up to 800C)
high power LED
High Power semiconductor modules
solid state relay (SSR)
DC-DC module power sources
electric power transmitter modules
Solar-panel arrays
Piranti daya Intelligent
Automotive electronics
High power semiconductor module
Solar panel components
Lighting industry
The power electronics industry
Wektu 2.Delivery:
Sample:3-5 or 12-15 working days,
Mass production:5-7 or 12-15 working days
3.Package: packing vakum Inner, Outer standar kothak karton diinget.
A: Miturut DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT etc.
B: Miturut segara kanggo jumlahe massa miturut sarat customer kang.
5.Yen perlu petik kanggo proyèk PCB Panjenengan, pls nyedhiyani info ing ngisor iki:
A: Quote jumlahe,
B: file Gerber ing 274-x format,
C: requirement Technical utawa paramèter (materi, lapisan, kekandelan tembaga,
kekandelan Papan, Kola lumahing, solder mask / werna Silkscreen ...)
Yen panaliten utawa pengin sinau liyane, mangga ngirim email kanggo kita bebas utawa chatting dening sistem online, thanks kanggo dhukungan ing advance!