Metal Core PCB
With the increase of the LED chip size and polycrystalline LED the development of packaging design, LED the heat load are also redouble,in addition to this the heat dissipation capacity of plate material, its thermal stability of materials are also affect the LED products’ life.In short, high power LED products loading board material needs to have at the same time the characteristics of high heat dissipation and high heat resistance, so the packaging substrate material becomes the key factor, on the application of traditional LED heat dissipation substrate,Metal Core PCB be widely used.
Metal core printed circuit board PCB (you aslo can call it MCPCB , PCB termikoa, Heavy Copper PCB) da metal base material ordez ehundutako beira FR4, FR3 edo others.There batekin PCB taula mota aldeko bakar, bikoitza aldeko, eta geruza anitzeko da taula. Gehienak The Metal Core PCB manufacturers are commonly used metal core material is aluminum, copper and alloy. Aluminum is the most frequently used among them due to its good heat transfer ability,dissipation ability and relatively cheaper costs than copper,even which may has a better performance,so it widely was accepted.copper although have better performance,but its cost more expensive,steel is more rigid than both aluminum and copper,it has normal steel and stainless steel,but its thermal conductivity is lower than others,simple speaking,aluminum material is the best choice,even considering from cost,rigidness and thermal conductivity.
There are single sided,two layer and multi-layer mcpcb,the Single sided metal core printed circuit board consists of a metal base (aluminum or copper alloy), dielectric layer, and copper conductor layer. The single layer MCPCB can be used with surface mount and chip & wire components. It provides much lower thermal resistance than FR4 PCB. And the metal core provides lower cost and allows much larger areas than ceramic substrates.
Metal Core PCB FR4 edo CEM3 tradizionala PCBak delako gaitasuna modu eraginkorrean xahutzen beroa osagaiak metrora ordezkatzeko erabiltzen da. Hau da dielektriko geruza termikoki eroale baten bidez lortzen da.
prepreg dielektriko bikainak bero papera eta osagai oinarri plaka transferentzia ematen du, berriz, isolamendua elektriko bikaina mantenduz. The base aluminio edo kobrezko plaka substratu osotasun mekanikoa alde bakarreko ematen, eta banatzen eta beroa transferitzen bero konketa bat, azalera edo zuzenean muntatzeko airearen da.
Metal Core PCB Ezaugarri:
- zabalkunde termiko tratamendua eraginkorra PCB zirkuitu diseinua
- Murriztu eragile tenperatura, botere dentsitatea eta fidagarritasuna handitzeko, produktuaren bizitza luzatzea
- aztarna txikiagoa, txikiagoa hardware eta muntaia-kostuak
- Jarri hauskor zeramikazko substratu mekanikoa iraunkortasuna hobea PCB
Metal Core PCB aplikazioak:
- Argiztapena: LED argia Aluminiozko PCB erabiltzaile handiena da
- Power modulua: Energia bihurgailuak, inbertsoreak, egoera ona errele, botere rectifier zubiak
- Power hornidura: kommutazio erregulatzaile, DC / AC bihurgailua, SW arautzaile
- Komunikazioa ekipamendu elektronikoa: goi-frekuentzia anplifikadorea, iragazkia elektrikoak, igorlea zirkuituak
- Audio ekipoak: sarrera, irteera anplifikadoreak, anplifikadoreak orekatua, audio anplifikadoreak, preamplifiers, power anplifikadoreak
- Ordenagailua: CPU-batzordeak, diskete unitate, power-hornidura gailuak
- Ofimatika ekipamendua: motor drive ...
- Power modulua: inbertsoreak, egoera ona errele, botere rectifier zubiak
- Autoa: arautzaile elektronikoa, pizte, botere kontrolagailu ...
Oinarrizko materiala: | Aluminioa, kobrea, burdina Alloy |
Eroankortasun termikoa (dielectrial geruza): | 0.8, 1.0,1.5, 2.0, 2.5,3.0 w / mk |
Taula Lodiera: | 0.5mm ~ 3.0mm (0.02 "~ 0.12") |
Copper lodiera: | 0.5oz, 1oz, 2 oz, 3oz, 6oz arte |
eskema: | Routing, puntzonaketa, V-ebaki |
Soldadurak maskara: | White / Black / Blue / Green / Red Oil |
Kondairak / serigrafia Kolorea: | Black / White |
Azalera akabera: | Murgiltzea Gold, HASL, OSP |
Enbalatzeko: | Huts / Plastikozko poltsa |
MCPCB Mota: | Banako aldeko MCPCB, bikoitza aldeko MCPCB, COB MCPCB, geruza anitzeko MCPCB |
Mfg Bolumen: | Prototype, Small, Medium,large |